SHOPPING LIST - Watercolour Materials & Equipment
Here are the supplies you will need for this course
This course is vegan as are all the recommended supplies
Yes - the paints and paper are expensive. That is because they are the best.
But they are the only expensive items. The rest are quite reasonable.
Please know that the main reason people don't master watercolour is because
they are using inferior paints and paper. Trust me - I know.
Do not let poor supplies be the reason you waste your time, enthusiasm and money on paying for this course.
Get the good stuff please - it will make all the difference!
UK or USA?
Some items I recommend do not ship to the USA so I have offered alternatives for students in the USA.
You may already have some household objects that will serve you so read the whole list first before you go spending!
If you DO NOT HAVE Daniel Smith paints I give you a list of what you can substitute them with so that you can use other brands if you wish.
I give you colour suggestions and not actual brand names - use your judgement to get as close a match as you can.
Here is a link to buy specific items via my Amazon Influencer/Associates page and this is what I have in my storefront so you can see what the items look like.
If you buy from this page I will be given a small percentage from Amazon at no additional cost to you plus it saves you scurrying around trying to find the exact, individual items I request you buy. Thank you in advance if you decide to buy this way:)
Equipment & Materials List for "Fanning the Flames of Fall"
PALETTE (these come with lids so that you can keep paints in them for weeks and not waste any!)
UK - Arnold Lowrey Watercolour Palette if you are in the UK -
USA - Frank Webb Palette if you are in the USA -
These are synthetic and very good.
UK - Curtis Ward Masterstroke Watercolour Brushes - ROUNDS
USA - Royal & Langnickel SG-303 5 Piece Round Set- White - ROUNDS
UK - Curtis Ward Masterstroke Watercolour Brushes - FLATS
USA - Royal & Langnickel SG-304 5 Piece Flat Brush Set - FLATS
Water spray mist bottle -
2 x 500ml (1 pint) plastic jugs - for your clean, cold water -
We are using cotton paper and not wood pulp paper. Cotton is the best.
BLOCKS (these are watercolour sheets glued on 4 sides to prevent buckling - you cut them off with a knife after you finish painting) for the paintings & PADS for the practice of techniques
USA students - please buy this one
may also be packaged like this
Pad of Tracing paper - A4 - 60gsm
We are using professional artist grade paints from the start. This is crucial.
Any lesser quality paints (such as student or hobby grade) simply ARE NOT WATERCOLOUR.
Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolours in 5ml tubes in these colours:-
USA - Buy from
Here is the link to the full range. Scroll down a bit after clicking on this link and select the 5ml size tubes.
UK - Buy from
Here is the link to the full range. Select the 5ml size tubes.
I give substitution suggestions so that you can use paints you may already have but of course you will not get exactly the same results as if you used the Daniel Smith ones I recommend.
- Nickel Titanate Yellow - substitute with any yellow-green
- Aureolin - substitute with any mid yellow
- Transparent Pyrrol Orange - substitute with any orange
- Quinacridone Coral - substitute with any red-pink
- Permanent Alizarin Crimson - substitute with any red-purple
- Ultramarine Violet - substitute with any blue-purple
- Rose of Ultramarine - substitute with any purple-blue
- Amazonite Genuine - substitute with any green-blue
- Moonglow - substitute with any purple-blue
Other bits & bobs - look at the image below showing my storefront so you can recognise what you need to buy.
Masking Fluid - masquepen - with additional superfine nib and empty bottle
HB graphite pencil -
Pentel white plastic eraser
Bic Red fine tipped ballpoint -
Cotton wool pads -
Lighter fuel -
Lyra 9B Graphite stick (do NOT buy the water-soluable one!) -
roll of masking tape 1 inch wide -
Towelling flannel/facecloth - for wiping brushes - essential!
Here's the storefront again so you can see what you need.